Tag Archives: tide

Fuerteventura – Faro de El Tostón – El Cotillo

Trip to Fuerteventura – October 2016
Faro de El Tostón

You can reach this beach by car, along a dirty road, in 5 minutes starting from El Cotillo and going North-East.

The water is shallow, it is windy but there are almost no waves. There is a sort of volcanic reef, that made the sea just like a pool. A very big one.

Toston lighthouse
Toston lighthouse

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Fuerteventura Sur – Playa de Sotavento

A trip to Fuerteventura – October 2016


Sotavento Beach

Sotavento beach is located 15km north of Jandia, and it takes about 15 minutes to get there.  Be sure to get there on a day/time you can watch the tide rising or ebbing.


Far horizont at Sotavento beach
Far horizont at Sotavento beach
Ebbing tide at Sotavento beach
Ebbing tide at Sotavento beach
Watery mirror
Watery mirror

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