Here you can find data and chats about coronavirus in Europe and the world.
- Black: casualties
- Purple: positive swabs
- Green: healed
- Light blue: infected estimate (Y axis is divided by 100)
For days older than 18 days ago, estimate is computed evaluating numbers of casualties 18 days ago, and a death ratio of 1,5%. (18 days beeing average time elapsed since sympthoms and eventual death).
Infected, casualites and healed in italy.
Infected, casualites and healed in Italy, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Spain, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Germany, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in UK, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Poland, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Belgium, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Netherlands, updated in the last 24 hours;
Infected, casualites and healed in Switzerland, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Norway, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Sweden, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Finland, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in USA, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Iran, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Israel, updated in the last 24 hours:
Infected, casualites and healed in Brazil, updated in the last 24 hours:
Guardando i dati, bisogna considerare che il numero di persone trovate positive al coronavirus, dipende fortemente dall’impegno che uno stato mette nella ricerca del contagio, cioè da quanti tamponi vengono fatti. Alcuni stati, come Il Regno Unito, ma non solo, hanno deciso di non eseguire verifiche a tappeto per rilevare il numero di contagiati, quindi i valori dei positivi al tampone possono rappresentare molto male la diffusione del contagio, e andrebbero moltiplicati per 100 o più per avere valori attendibili.